If you like to stay up late and sleep in, new data suggests you may have an elevated risk of type 2 diabetes.
Worried over how your coffee habits may impact your health? This study might quell your concerns.
Regardless of your reason for cutting back on sugar, these sugar-free candies will satisfy your sweet tooth without calories or carbs.
These healthy snacks can supply your body with the right mix of nutrients and control your blood sugar.
Cutting back on carbs may help you manage your diabetes—but it's also a bit more complicated than that
A new study reveals that drinking at least one cup of tea a day may help keep you healthy.
The 37 million American adults with type 2 diabetes would benefit from eating more fiber and fish.
If your blood sugar reaches below a certain level, there's a trick to help elevate it.
Start your day with these blood sugar-balancing bites.
Skip the ride on the blood sugar roller coaster to reduce your risk of insulin resistance.
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