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Lauren Manaker MS, RDN, LD, CLEC - Page 2
The #1 Unhealthiest Side Dish at 11 Restaurant Chains
Skip these unhealthy sides that just add unnecessary, empty calories to your main meal.
28 Best High-Protein Store-Bought Snacks
With at least 5 grams of protein per serving, these snacks can help you meet your health goals.
8 Healthiest Fast-Food Chicken Sandwiches
Stay on track with your health goals with these healthier fast-food chicken sandwiches.
Healthy Eating
6 Superfoods for Better Digestion & a Healthier Gut
Improve your body's digestive processes and support gut health with the help of these dietitian-recommended foods.
Healthy Eating
14 Healthy Snacks That Will Make You Feel Full
Just because weight loss requires cutting back on calories, doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself or go hungry.
Healthy Eating
7 Worst Foods For Your Brain Health
These foods may work against your brain health goals—especially if you include them in your diet frequently.
Healthy Eating
7 Best Supplements for a Longer Life
These expert-recommended supplements support healthy aging and can even extend your longevity when taken regularly.
Healthy Eating
9 Brain-Boosting Foods to Enhance Cognitive Function
Improve your ability to perform cognitive tasks such as memory and concentration with the help of these foods for brain health.
Healthy Eating
10 Best Supplements You Should Be Taking After 40
Registered dietitians review the supplements that help address health issues that arise once you hit the age of 40.
11 Best and Worst Beef Jerky—Ranked!
Experts say these are the beef jerky brands to try for your next snack—and the ones to avoid.
Healthy Eating
9 Best Supplements for Reducing Inflammation
These evidence-backed supplements can help you fight chronic inflammation.
Healthy Eating
8 Foods That Can Help Boost Testosterone
These testosterone-boosting foods and drinks can offer a lot of benefits besides just building muscle bulk.
Healthy Eating
What Happens When You Eat Ice Cream Every Day
An occasional bowl of ice cream is one thing, but how does eating this dessert daily impact your health?
Healthy Eating
8 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
From curbing your appetite to combating bad breath, find out why ACV is so popular—and good for you.
Healthy Eating
Best Supplements to Slow Aging After 40
There's no magic pill to stop the aging process, but there are some supplements to help slow it down.
Healthy Eating
8 Foods That Make Your Pee Smell—and Why
Experts say what you eat and drink can impact how your urine smells.
Healthy Eating
11 Supplements Dietitians Actually Take
In a sea of supplements, it can be hard to choose what's best for you. We go to the experts for advice.
Healthy Eating
The Best Healthy Desserts on Store Shelves
Something sweet doesn't have to be sinful—there are plenty of healthy desserts to be found.
Healthy Eating
7 Science-Backed Benefits of Blueberries
Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, the benefits of blueberries appear boundless.
Healthy Eating
6 Healthiest Frozen Dinners at Sam’s Club
Enjoy these dietitian-approved, quick, nutritious Sam's Club frozen dinners on your busiest evenings.
Healthy Eating
8 Best Supplements for Gut Health
Happy gut, happy life! Try these dietitian-recommended gut health supplements.
Healthy Eating
11 Inflammatory Foods Wreaking Havoc On Your Body
Reducing the amount of inflammatory foods in your diet may result in positive outcomes for your health.
Drink This, Not That!
How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?
A dietitian discusses the recommended caffeine limit and signs to look for that you've had too much.
17 Best & Worst New Grocery Store Snacks
Some are incredibly nutrient-packed, but others have some rather questionable ingredients...
10 Best & Worst New Sodas In 2023
The bubbly new beverages not only tickle our taste buds—in some cases, they may support our health, too.
Healthy Eating
Is Olive Oil Good for You?
Though rich in fat, the benefits of eating olive oil may just outweigh the impact of the side effects.
Drink This, Not That!
Can Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?
Yes, water can keep you hydrated, but keep reading and you'll find out how it can help you lose weight too.
Healthy Eating
The 30 Worst Frozen Foods in America
Convenience doesn't make up for the extensive lack of nutrition in these items.
The Best & Worst New Cereals in 2023
Don't pick up that spoon before getting the full scoop on all the new cereals from our expert dietitian.
Healthy Eating
7 Fermented Foods Linked to Better Health
Fermented foods—which sit for days, weeks, or even months to let helpful microbes break them down—possess numerous health benefits.